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- Together with Bart van Haren, Sander Sturing and Tiemen Rapati
- Made at OFlab, a openFrameworks workshop during Graphic Design Festival Breda
- Thanks to Zach Lieberman and Todd Vanderlin for running the workshop
Sound Portraits
- Together with Bart van Haren, Sander Sturing and Tiemen Rapati
- Made at OFlab, a openFrameworks workshop during Graphic Design Festival Breda
- Thanks to Zach Lieberman and Todd Vanderlin for running the workshop
Each pixel in a low resolution black and white webcam image gets translated into a high-pitched sound, based on the brightness of the pixel. A second computer listens for this sound and translates the tones back to pixels. Generating one image takes about 6 minutes, during which you slowly see the image appear pixel by pixel. Things like ambient noise, echos in the space and participants not sitting still for the entire process introduce artifacts into the new image.